One of my favorite Christian authors is Sammy Tippit. His life and words have challenged me to examine my faith to ensure I'm not running the race in vain. He has a knack for stating great truths humbly and simply. His style reminds me a bit of Dr. J. Vernon McGee (another of my beloved authors/teachers). The first book I read by him was God's Secret Agent, and I highly recommend grabbing a copy as it's an excellent introduction to the man behind the ministry. His most recently published book, The Race is another fascinating read, and makes a great followup to God's Secret Agent.
Currently I'm reading through The Prayer Factor, and I plan to blog more about it in a future post. It's been a convicting and yet inspirational read thus far. I love it when an author is able guide me into introspection that allows me to see areas for improvement without out leaving me crushed in discouragement. This evening I read two recent blog posts by Mr. Tippit, and they were too good not to share with you dear readers. I hope they bless your heart as they did mine:
Gaillardia |